Lemon essential oils are used when trying out new recipes, cleansing and nourishing skins. Lemon is an effective cleanser for the body as it stimulates lymph drainage, purifies skin and rejuvenates energy in addition to repelling bugs. Lemon oils are among the most essential oils used today and can be used in cellulite creams, face wash, laundry and air fresheners as well as household cleaning reagents. The following are some of the different ways that lemon essential oils can be utilized.


Air freshening


Lemon essential oils are perfect for eliminating bad odors in a room. Read more about it at http://www.ehow.com/how_5017374_extract-lemon-oil.html. Fill a skirt bottle with distilled water and add 6-7 drops of essential lemon oil. Use the mixture as air freshener in your bathroom or stuffy room. This is a better method for the environment as well as users since no chemicals exists to trigger allergic reactions. Lemon oils can used to freshen clothes that have stayed in the drier for long.


Spot cleaner


Chances are that you may have encountered the problem of cleaning a specific stubborn stain on your favorite cloth at some point. This is because lemon oils are perfect stain removers. A drop or two of lemon oil on a stain of gum, crayon or grease facilitates its removal.




Adding two drops of lemon oils from the site at www.do-essential-oils.com in your home made lemonade in addition to a table spoon of honey and two cups of water is the easiest way to make a sweet tasting lemonade drink. You have the choice of adjusting the mixture for the best taste preference. Taste it by sipping a little bit.


Natural skin cleansing


Women are most likely to appreciate this benefit. Adding a few drops of lemon oils in your facial scrub and cleansers guarantees a thorough and in-depth skin cleanse. Furthermore, the skin will be cleansed without using harsh chemicals that may result in serious damages in future.


Increases the shelf life of fruits


If you intend to prolong the life of fresh fruits, add a few drops of lemon oil in a bowl of cleaning water. Clean your fruits, place them in the solution and stir. Make sure every part of the fruit is coated with the solution before storing.


Cleaning agent


Lemon essential oils have been used to disinfect and cleaning different surfaces in the home. Add a few drops of lemon oils in a bottle of water and spray on counter tops to disinfect them. The mixture also disinfects soaked table clothes. If ever you need some doterra frankincense, you can access the given link for details about it.